Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Quick and rude guide to DITA - Intermission

<title>Celebrating the World Umbrella Day</title>

<shortdesc>To celebrate the World Umbrella Day, which, according to radio reports, falls on Feb 10, 2010, get yourself an umbrella and follow the steps given in this topic.</shortdesc>

<li>Obtain an umbrella.</li>
<li>Navigate to a sufficiently windy place. A place that measures 5 or more on the WindScale is sufficient for the purpose of this task.</li>

<note outputclass="caution">Following the steps listed below might make you lose your possessions including, but not limited to, your umbrella.</note>

<step><cmd>Stand on firm ground and open your umbrella.</cmd></step>
<step><cmd>Watch your umbrella fly away. Simultaneously, sing at the top of your voice <userinput>Chhatri udi, ud ke chali</userinput></cmd></step>

<postreq>Acquire a new umbrella.</postreq>




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